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bad job

"bad job"的翻译和解释


  • That you didn ' t do a bad job
  • Not a bad job huh
  • Q3 - do you think tung chee - hwa is doing a good or bad job as the chief executive
    Q3 -你认为董建华做特首既工作做得好唔好
  • Q30 - do you think henry tang ying - yen is doing a good or bad job as the financial secretary
    Q30 -你认为唐英年做财政司司长既工作做得好唔好
  • Q31 - do you think elsie leung oi - sie is doing a good or bad job as the secretary for justice
    Q31 -你认为梁爱诗做律政司司长既工作做得好唔好
  • A bad job
  • Q38 - do you think ambrose lee siu - kwong is doing a good or bad job as the secretary for security
    Q38 -你认为李少光做保安局局长既工作做得好唔好
  • Q37 - do you think patrick ho chi - ping is doing a good or bad job as the secretary for home affair
    Q37 -你认为何志平做民政事务局局长既工作做得好唔好
  • Q29 - do you think donald tsang yam - kuen is doing a good or bad job as the chief secretary for administration
    Q29 -你认为曾荫权做政务司司长既工作做得好唔好
  • Q36 - do you think joseph wong wing - ping is doing a good or bad job as the secretary for the civil service
    Q36 -你认为王永平做公务员事务局局长既工作做得好唔好
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